Student Involvement

Explore the more practical side of your studies to support a local small business.

At Ancient Flow Therapy there are recurring, collaborative opportunities for college students to work with Cristina, other students, and volunteers that are interested in social media, marketing content, business operations, and website development. Interest in healthcare is a plus!

Students are encouraged to consider one or more of the following positions to gain practical experience while supporting a small business and the local community.

This position is designed to foster skills necessary for business operations management. The selected intern is expected to assist in initiating and leading our organization’s functions, and build processes that meet our business needs. Previous experience in a management, or supervision, position and experience in project management is desired. They will also help to promoting community involvement, identifying business opportunities, digitizing business operations, and collaborating with peers and supervisors to resolve hindrances in a timely and efficient manner. If needed, the Business Operations Intern will occasionally provide assistance in developing branded content and is expected to work collaboratively with multiple organizational teams.

This internship is focused on supporting AFT’s social media, website content, and general brand visibility in published materials. Interns in the Marketing & Research position are expected to coordinate and support AFT events, perform market research, develop printed materials, draft lead magnets, set up and maintain an online scheduler, and ensure AFT branded materials meets quality standards. The marketing intern team will be in contact with all other internship teams.

The Social Media internship has several sub-roles, due to the variety of social media platforms AFT is actively using. Interns should be comfortable creating and posting content, repurposing content, managing and optimizing AFT’s YoutTube channel, creating and tracking social media campaigns, and working directly with the marketing team. Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are various platforms used by AFT.

This internship focuses on the technical role of web development. Interns should be comfortable designing and implementing website content using WordPress, various plugins, and CSS code, monitoring and maintaining the AFT website, ensuring the AFT website meets user expectations, and working with all other AFT intern teams to effectively promote the AFT brand in a virtual setting.

AFT Student Involvement Yearbook

The following profiles highlight the students that have supported AFT through Internships and College Assignments. Information is shown by semester and year, in descending order. Each student decides the level of detail in their profile. 

Looking forward to each of the bright and healthy futures. Thank You All!

Fall 2022


Web Development

My AFT Sr. Project experience in short:

"Learning-based, Fast-paced, Amazing"

"My experience with senior project was great! We learned all about WordPress and how to organize a large project with many variables. The backlog and schedule were an amazing learning experience to see how a project goes start to finish."

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Web Development

Summer 2022


Social Media


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"Valuable, comfortable, welcoming."

"At Ancient Flow Therapy, I learned about how a business can revolve around so many different parts and how important collaboration is for success. I felt welcomed and appreciated by all my co-workers. Cristina and Teresa were accommodating and helpful; I never felt like I was alone if I needed assistance. Overall, an eye-opening and wonderful experience."




My AFT Internship experience in short: 

"empowering, growth, self paced"

"At Ancient Flow Therapy I learned so much about small businesses operations, new technologies/ programs, time management, communications, while also working with empowering people. These skills helped me improve in the research and development of a project. " 

Spring 2022


Business Operations


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"engaging, dynamic, educational"

"My AFT internship surpassed my expectations. I thought my time would be spent filing papers or reviewing documents for accuracy. Instead, I learned how to manage different businesses trans in a virtual setting, I learned how to use new platforms for project management, and I gained a deeper sense of what it takes to run a small business. I highly recommend AFT as an internship site; there is much to learn and Cristina is always appreciative of her intern's work and encouraging their personal endeavors. A plus!"




My AFT Internship experience in short: 

"empowering, growth, self paced"

"At Ancient Flow Therapy I learned so much about small businesses operations, new technologies/ programs, time management, communications, while also working with empowering people. These skills helped me improve in the research and development of a project. " 


Social Media


Web Development


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"Balanced, Tranquil, Comfortable"

"I am very grateful to AFT for giving me real-world experience and for allowing me to grow professionally. Cristina and Teresa were very welcoming and created a nurturing environment where interns can demonstrate their talent as well as learn from each other. I really enjoyed being able to work from home and use Zoom meetings, messaging, and video chats as means of communication because these allowed me to have a good work-life balance. It was very helpful to continue learning even after graduation and to use my learned skills in real life projects."




Social Media


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"Valuable, comfortable, welcoming."

"At Ancient Flow Therapy, I learned about how a business can revolve around so many different parts and how important collaboration is for success. I felt welcomed and appreciated by all my co-workers. Cristina and Teresa were accommodating and helpful; I never felt like I was alone if I needed assistance. Overall, an eye-opening and wonderful experience."


Social Media


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"flexible, creative, open-minded."

"My Internship experience helped me improve my communication and creativity skills. I've enjoyed creating new Instagram posts and trying different designs on Canva. Everyone is really kind and easy going, and genuinely worries about your experience."


Web Development


My AFT Internship experience in short: 

"educational, rewarding, inclusive "

"My experience was a two-way street at Ancient Flow Therapy. I got to learn so much and gain experience in my field of study. I also in return was able to help a business grow a little. I enjoyed the teamwork environment that you don’t always get in an internship. I would definitely recommend an internship with Ancient Flow Therapy."

Fall 2021

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Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Social Media


Social Media

My AFT Internship experience in short:

"Kind, Exciting, Creative."

"Through this internship, I got a glimpse into the many aspects and brainstorming that comes with solidifying content, branding, and the messages we put out. This internship taught me how to always be conscious of the audiences we are speaking to and how to be detail-oriented. AFT provided a great stepping stone for me to grow further in my career in the Advertising industry! Thank you AFT!"


Web Development


My AFT Internship experience in short:

"Balanced, Tranquil, Comfortable"

"I am very grateful to AFT for giving me real-world experience and for allowing me to grow professionally. Cristina and Teresa were very welcoming and created a nurturing environment where interns can demonstrate their talent as well as learn from each other. I really enjoyed being able to work from home and use Zoom meetings, messaging, and video chats as means of communication because these allowed me to have a good work-life balance. It was very helpful to continue learning even after graduation and to use my learned skills in real life projects."

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Web Development

Summer 2021

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Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Social Media

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Social Media

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Web Development

My AFT Internship experience in short:

Organized, unique, educational

Spring 2021

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text



Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Social Media

Ancient Flow Therapy_Logo_with lower arc text


Web Development

In school and interested in an opportunity at AFT?

If you have any questions about contact Cristina
at 352-888-4596 or
