Chronic and Recurring Conditions Service Area

Joint Pain, Crohn’s, Parkinson’s, Neuropathy

Mental and Emotional Health Service Area

Stress, Anxiety, ADHD, Depression, PTSD

Surgery and Injury Recovery Service Area

Before and After Procedures, Internal and External Physical Injuries

Optimal Health and Wellbeing Service Area

Heart Health, Energy, Balance, Selfcare

Fertility and Childbirth Service Area

Optimal Viability, Overall Wellbeing, Labor, Postpartum

Optimal Performance Service Area

Daily Mobility, Professional Sports, Physical and Mental Endurance

The acupressure therapy and holistic coaching services I provide are ideal support across all areas of healthcare and all stages of life. I focus my services on the protection, restoration, and strength of your body’s natural resources throughout your journey.

At the start of each bodywork session, I listen as you describe the current challenges you are facing and those you have overcome since our last session.

With trained and experienced fingertips I also “listen” to how your flows and pulses say you are at that moment. My custom approach and strategic plan for you depend on selecting the right area of service for your goals and each of us maintaining our mutual commitments.


The Health Challenges I Support Fit Into Holistic Service Areas


I am here to help

Beloved Client

Thank you for allowing my healing therapy into your life.  Ready for your next appointment?


Welcomed Visitor

Are you ready to make a positive difference in your body, mind, and soul? Having goals and surrounding yourself with qualified support are both crucial steps to moving forward.

We begin with identifying which one of my specialized acupressure service areas (shown above and described below) are best fits your needs.

  1. Before and after surgery to better prepare you for the procedure and empower your recovery
  2. After an injury or short-term illness to enhance your overall healing from the unexpected, and often unknown, impacts.
  3. Throughout chronic, long-term conditions to reduce the side effects and increase your ability to live a more active life.
  4. Whenever you are feeling well but want to achieve and maintain optimal health 

Consider the Stages of My Approach to Service


Ask yourself the questions below, inside each step of my approach. You can also learn more about the conditions and sympoms I support with custom acupressure therapy by checking out corresponding case studies.

If you can relate to any of the areas of healthcare listed above, please take the opportunity to request your one-time free consultation. I look forward to listening to your goals and reviewing my service offerings with you!

Stage 1. Health Assessment

How often do you get to discuss your medical history with your doctor? 

Want to know more about the influence of different factors (lifestyle, genetics, nutrition)?

Stage 2. Plan

Wouldn’t you love a recipe to optimize your health and live a fuller life?

Are you open to a more natural approach to supplement your health care, reduce stress, heal faster, and add more pleasure to life?

Stage 3. Bodywork

Imagine ongoing targeted yet gentle finger pressure,  meditation, and warm Himalayan salt stones in the same session. What if you stay dressed, in the same comfortable position, and listen to soft instrumental music?

Stage 4. Daily Homework

Can you add a few more minutes a day to enjoyable self-care that enhances your healing and supports your mental wellbeing?

Stage 5. Review

How often do you review results with your health care providers?

Would you like a more holistic and still private journal of the progress you are making?

Service Area Descriptions

Chronic/Ongoing Condition Support

If your body is dealing with short-term or chronic conditions, the physical, and often emotional, areas of your body will be nourished and expertly treated to enhance your wellbeing and support your goals. AFT services for Ongoing/Chronic conditions are effective for clients with conditions of the nervous system, brain, digestive system, lymphatic system, or any condition with discomfort. Examples of discomfort include fatigue, body aches, nausea, medication side effects. Allow me to help you experience a more active and enjoyable daily life. Click here to view Chronic/Ongoing Condition Support Case Studies

Mental/Emotional Support

Whether you are dealing with chronic or short-term mental trauma, the emotional, and often physical, areas of your body will be nourished and expertly treated to relieve anxiety, stress, depression, and other conditions that impact your ability to live your best life. Allow me to help you navigate your path to peaceful balance and overall well-being. Click here to view Mental/Emotional Support Case Studies

Surgery/Injury Support

Whether you need to recover from surgery or injury, the physical, and often emotional, areas of your body will be nourished and expertly treated to speed up healing from the inside. AFT Surgery/Injury support is ideal for all levels of health, especially if you receive services prior to a planned procedure. Allow me to support your journey to optimal healing and overall well-being. Click here to view Surgery/Injury Support Case Studies

Optimal Health and Wellbeing Support

Whether you’re already in great health or your goal is optimal wellbeing within your unique situation, allow me to help you maintain and enrich your daily life. Are you able to check your heart rate, blood pressure, or oxygen level on a regular basis? Do you see a medical provider at least every couple of years for a physical or blood tests? Our vital signs and lab results are important indicators of our general health at a given moment in time. It doesn’t take long for one or more  measurements of our health to become elevated or deficient. It can take a while for your body or mind to let you know something is unbalanced. Acupressure provides prevenative and restorative care.  Click here to view Optimal Health and Wellbeing Support Case Studies

Fertility and Childbirth Support

If  your goal is to enhance your mental and physical health to support becoming a parent, allow me to be of service.  In addition to targeted, gentle acupressure, my experience as a doula will provide  emotional, informational, and physical support with fertility, throughout pregnancy, during labor and the immediate postpartum period. Click here to view Fertility and Childbirth Support Case Studies

Optimal Performance Support

Whether you’re already in great shape or your goal is optimal physical and mental performance within your unique body, you will have more energy, stamina and holistic balance. Allow me to help you maintain and extend your physical health. Click here to view Optimal Performance Support Case Studies

I am honored to be of service to your health and your future!  
Together we will empower you to experience the vitality, balance, and relief you deserve.

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