Hi, I'm Cristina Eury
I am a licensed massage therapist (LMT) and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner (JSJP) with over 25 years of study in natural health and healing the body. Through gentle, targeted acupressure, I help people who are dealing with health challenges and those striving for optimal health.
Together we expedite recovery, mitigate pain and enhance the body’s natural healing ability, resulting in more energy and comfort than previously thought possible.
My mission is to transform the physical health and emotional wellbeing of my clients. My modality (bodywork technique) is based on centuries of proven principles of 5-Element Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Acupressure Therapist
MA70584 MM41435
Your Holistic Potential
Recover efficiently with less pain and more vitality.
Trust in your body’s ability to be resilient.
Feel more balanced and self-reliant to take care of yourself emotionally & physically.
Be energized to truly enjoy and do the things you love.

Prior to any surgical procedure, you may feel nervous, worrying about what could go wrong, including the worst-case scenario. You're literally putting your life into the hands of the surgeon, hoping for the best.
It doesn't matter if it's a "routine" surgery. It's still scary, both for you and the ones you love.
What if it doesn't go as planned? What if the recovery time is much longer than expected?
How will you manage, both physically and emotionally?
AFT Approach To Helping You Move Forward
Ancient Flow Therapy compliments modern medicine and partners with your medical team to provide you with the best support for your physical and emotional needs.
My approach to therapy is effective because I offer each client a treatment plan personalized to their medical situation.
1. Health Assessment
Review history and current health as a baseline. Consider factors, such as lifestyle and genetics, that may be causing your current health status.
4. Daily Homework
Self-care protocols between 10-20 minutes to accelerate your healing journey; also to reduce stress while calming and relaxing your mind.
2. Plan
Work out the exact steps to create a plan for optimizing your personal health journey.
5. Review & Celebration
A look back and opportunity to reflect at your progression in the process and to see what’s next.
3. Bodywork
This includes several hands-on restorative sessions to help you reduce and transform your stress while helping to calm your mind.
AFT Approach Benefits
Through the AFT Approach, we are able to take a clear look at your history, create a plan to improve your health, and help your body and mind to heal.

Pause for a moment and take a deep breath with me, into your nose and out of your mouth . I understand this is a challenging time, and this can totally be a positive experience!
Your body is wired to heal and naturally strives for balance and vitality.
You don't have to do this alone.
I know the path, and I'm here to help smooth the way.
Health challenges are valuable communication from your body and soul, offering an opportunity to realign with your fullest potential.
Surgery is an opportunity to intentionally release what is no longer supporting you, creating space to cultivate the health, well-being, and vitality that are your birthright.
It's time to befriend your body and give it the nourishment it needs to rebuild itself.
When balance is restored, it creates harmony throughout your entire system - physical, mental and emotional.
You can build your natural resiliency and re-engage with your life in an energized way.
My Story
As I write this, it is Spring of 2023 and I am almost 50!
I have great mental and physical health, an adoring husband of 29 years, and great relationships with our three adult children and two fur babies. Our family goes biking together after dinner. And we just recently went on an amazing 6-week trip to Italy. I don’t take any prescription medication and I recover quickly from any illness that comes my way, including COVID-19.
But it wasn’t always this way. My greatest struggles have been with low energy, pain, and depression.
About 15 years ago I was a full-time mom, finding myself needing to lay on the couch for extended periods, having to watch my 3 kids play from a distance. My husband’s career paid the bills and I was home every day with our kids (a 3-year-old, 7-year-old, and 11-year-old). My husband was graciously patient with me. I would cry myself to sleep, angry at putting my kids in front of the TV far more than I wanted to, just to get through the day. Turns out I was in adrenal fatigue with an added layer of depression from feeling like a failure as a mom and a wife.
My turning point came when I finally invested time and energy into learning how to take care of my unique body and system. It started with one intriguingly named class and led to studying a number of different bodywork techniques (modalities) that can help people with chronic pain, recovery and oveall wellbeing. Nobody I knew was talking about this, so I have made it my life‘s work to support other people who struggle with chronic pain, using my own blend of these various ancient modalities. I’m delighted to see my clients move out from the aching and exhaustion of chronic pain and into their best life.
With the help of Jin Shin Jyutsu acupressure, my physical and emotional state was completely transformed. I am so much more physically capable than I was in my mid-30s! My last few years have included running beside my three young adults in the marching band, volunteering at school events, operating my own business, and practicing self-care. Here I am, years later, still loving the practice of keeping my body feeling balanced while serving others.
I hope sharing my story is of benefit to anyone struggling emotionally or physically. With support, there is a brighter future. I would love to hear about your journey.
How may I be of service? Please connect via email: info@ancientflow.com or mobile: (352) 888-4596

Just Imagine
• Experiencing less stress.
• Healing faster.
• Being more calm emotionally on a daily basis.
• Feeling grounded for a more mentally, spiritually, and physically-balanced experience.
• Taking care of your family and obligations easily.
• Having a resilient body that allows you to be at your best.

Through holistic healing, you can:
• Recover efficiently with less pain and more vitality
• Retain your sense of sovereignty and trust in your body’s ability to be resilient, allowing you to be at your best
• Be more balanced to take care of your obligations whether it be emotional or physical
• Feel energized to be involved and contribute to your community
• Live your purpose, sharing your unique gifts with the world
My Holistic Approach
I use a combination of gentle acupressure, information from your birth, and patterns from your life along what’s physically and emotionally showing up in your life presently, and for in-person, warm Himalayan Salt Stones, to tailor my work to each client.
I address unhealed, unresolved, uncleared life traumas that are creating health challenges and blocking healing in your body. It’s amazing what can happen when we let go of those old blocks. Similar to acupressure, I work with the energetic systems of the body to bring spiritual, mental, and physical harmony.
My training as an anthropologist helps me to see the cultural aspects of a person’s lived experience.
Your birth information reveals to me the specific celestial energies and the Elements (earth, air, water, fire, wood) that govern your inherent physical and mental qualities. This knowledge can expose possible elemental connections and constitutional tendencies within the body. I help you free up your innate energy by cleaning up these connections, so you can be your most magnificent productive self again.
I have methods of identifying your overworked aspects of your body. We all have tendencies in the way we use our bodies, and certain organs may work harder than others because of those tendencies. The everyday stressors of life–frantic pace, poor eating habits, overworking, etc.–can knock our life out of balance, leading to illness or injury requiring surgery. Furthermore, unresolved life traumas are held deeply in the body and can manifest as stress and illness, sometimes leading to surgery.
- My clients are actively involved in their healing process. If your trauma is not healed effectively, the issue may come back which could lead to another surgery! Surgery is not bad. Pharmaceuticals are not bad. But they are not the complete picture of healing. My goal is to work with you to achieve complete healing.

Get Your Free Consultation
30-min remote session about your goals and my services. New clients only. No pressure. No obligation.

Ancient Flow Therapy Spotlights
Relax and enjoy interviews and talks as Cristina shares helpful information. Thank you to all the gracious hosts.

Browse AFT Service Areas
An overview of the various areas of care supported by AFT as well as my approach to customized service.