Cristina Eury

An Integrative Approach to Supporting Your Healthcare Journey with Custom Acupressure

Recovery from physical or emotional trauma is fastest when you feel nourished, balanced, and energized in your body and mind.


Are You Dealing With...?

        •   Depression or anxiety
        •   Trauma or stress
            Fertility preparedness
            Parkinson’s or tremors
            Athletic injury & recovery
            Surgery prep or recovery
            Crohn’s Disease
            Cancer treatment side effects

Can You Relate...?

If you, or someone you care for, can relate to any of these questions or you have a different healthcare consideration, I am here to help!

Ancient Flow Therapy Works

Based on proven, time-honored healing practices featuring acupressure, enhancing your body's innate ability to heal.

Collaborating With Modern Medicine

Ancient Flow Therapy complements modern medicine, ensuring a smooth partnership with your medical team.

Ancient Flow Therapy Benefits Surgery

Supports healing before and after surgery or with ongoing health conditions.



My Mission
My mission is to completely transform the physical health and emotional well-being of my clients so that they may prosper.

My Philosophy
Our bodies are always lovingly communicating with us. We just haven’t been taught to listen. It’s never too late to learn how!

My Location
In-person sessions:
4001 W Newberry Rd, Ste C4
Gainesville, FL 32607
Virtual upon request

Service Options

Whether you are preparing for surgery or recovering after it, I can help. I work remotely or in person at my office in Gainesville, FL.

Safety Procedures
We ensure safety and cleanliness by implementing numerous, science-based COVID-19 precautions.
AFT Office Procedures

Schedule Your Free Session
Schedule your complimentary 30-minute session.
Call / text (352) 888-4596 or email

Why I Can Help...

I am a licensed massage therapist (LMT) and Jin Shin Jyutsu Practitioner (JSJP) with over 25 years of study in natural health and ancient healing arts.
In addition to being a healthcare provider, I am honored to be an advocate for you and the wellbeing of my clients and community. 

Click **HERE** to discover more about my experience, the benefits of my practice, and feedback from clients.

To learn more about my recommended techniques, I offer video packages to purchase for further demonstration.

Do you struggle with worry or anxiety? Explore how pressure to the thumb helps to decrease negative emotions.

Ongoing Health Problems? Upcoming Surgery? Stressed out?

I have experienced what it’s like to lose your vital energy, feel hopeless about your health and the impact it will have on those closest to you.

Not only do I work with clients on improving and “rewiring” their physical and emotional health, I also assist those who are recovering from surgery.

Pre-surgery, post-surgery, it’s all hard! I want to ensure that you navigate this journey retaining your sense of SOVEREIGNTY and TRUST in your body’s ability to recover and thrive.

Do you have any questions?

The AFT FAQs may help, but please feel free to contact me anytime.

“Before I met Cristina, I was used to having regular bodywork, but since coronavirus has stopped in-person sessions, I was feeling stuck, tense and stressed. The thought of not having any physical bodywork for weeks or months, combined with knowing how tension increases over time, led me to find a different solution and that's when I started working with Cristina.”
Rachel Bolton
Health and Fertility Coach
“For a very long time, I dealt with frequent weekly pain and stiffness that really hindered my life. The neck pain would also trigger dizziness. After just one or two sessions it began going away and now I forget what pain feels like in these areas. Your support was not just from a hands-on approach but also talking and really listening to my concerns both physical and emotional.”
Matt Scott
Regional VP, Primerica Financial
“So thankful I was open to non-traditional help with the side effects of medications, sleep deprivation, work/life overload, and Crohn’s disease. Since my consultation in 2017 with Cristina, I remain impressed with her knowledge, compassion, and no-pressure approach. My family is blessed to have her as an acupressure therapist and a member of our wellness team.”
TeresaFerguson AFT_490x540
Teresa Ferguson
Business Coach and Developer

Supporting Your Healthcare Journey

I offer private sessions, group programs, and self-care tutorials.
I provide services via Telehealth or in person in Gainesville, FL.

Questions? Please call or text 352-888-4596
