FAQs — AFT Logistics
Click the questions below to reveal answers to a variety of considerations you may be wondering about. If you have any further questions, please feel free to reach out to Cristina at info@ancientflow.com or (352) 888-4596.
How do I request an initial appointment?
Use this link: Book A Free 30-Minute Consultation to request this initial call. After we schedule a time but before the consultation, I request that potential clients fill out a confidential questionnaire: AFT Pre Clarity Call Questionnaire. The initial consultation is typically done via phone or Zoom. This important step creates a mutual understanding of how my method of healthcare can help and if we are a good fit for each other. To improve the results and maximize the benefits of this kind of bodywork requires multiple sessions over a period of time. The number of sessions and length of time are customized to your goals and presented to you in a proposed treatment plan.
What are AFT office hours?
Generally, I see clients as early as 8:30 am, with my last appointment starting at 4:00 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Occasionally, I see clients Monday afternoon and Friday morning.
Where is Ancient Flow Therapy located?
My office location is 4001 W. Newberry Road, Suite C4, Gainesville, Florida 32607. It’s on the south side and just a few blocks west of Suburban Animal Hospital. I created some short videos about how to get to the office and what to expect. The video playlist is on the home page towards the bottom but this is the direct link: “Arriving at AFT“
How do I schedule a follow-up appointment?
At the end of your session, we take a moment to discuss your next visit. We can schedule a new appointment or confirm an existing session already in your treatment plan.
You can request a follow-up appointment any time by contacting me at (352) 888-4596 or info@ancientflow.com.
Adjustments can be made at least 24 hours in advance by calling or texting me at (352) 888-4596.
What is the AFT appointment Cancelation Policy?
Appointments must be canceled at least 24 hours before the scheduled time or the client will be financially responsible for the full amount of the session.
What is the appointment check-in process?
Upon arriving at the AFT Office, please text me and let me know that you have arrived. The other option is to use the doorbell. I share an office with an acupuncturist and her staff will hear the doorbell and invite you in. Upon entering the office, I recommend that you wear facemasks in public spaces. We also encourage the use of hand sanitizer as you’re coming in. As one walks down the hall, one will notice a short hall on the right that has two unisex restrooms that are available for your use. At the very end of the main hall, opposite the front door is my office.
Which payment types do you accept?
Which payment types do you accept? We accept these payment methods: Cash, Check, Cash App, Venmo, Ivy Pay* or PayPal (with a fee). *Ivy Pay allows card payment (credit, debit, HRA/HSA and FSA). It’s HIPAA-compliant and securely stores your mobile number and payment method. More info at https://ancientflow.com/mutual-commitments/#payment-methods
Which insurance policies do you accept?
FAQs — Healthcare Approach
What is Holistic Health Care?
Holistic medicine is a form of healing that considers the whole person — body, mind, spirit, and emotions — in the quest for optimal health and wellness. A holistic provider compliments conventional medication with alternative therapies, such as AFT Acupressure sessions, to treat a patient or enhance the existing health of a client. Refer to: https://www.webmd.com/balance/guide/what-is-holistic-medicine
What is Acupressure vs Acupuncture?
During an acupressure session, you lie fully clothed on a soft massage table. The practitioner gently presses on acupressure points on your body. A session typically lasts about one hour. You may need several sessions for the best results.
The goal of acupressure or other types of Asian bodywork is to restore health and balance to the body’s channels of energy and to regulate opposing forces of yin (negative energy) and yang (positive energy). Some proponents claim acupressure not only treats the energy fields and body but also the mind, emotions, and spirit.
Is Acupressure an "alternative" (different healthcare option) or is it "complementary" (used along with mainstream medicine)?
These terms can be confusing. Their use and meaning are continually evolving. Both are sometimes used to describe the same type of service. Cristina generally refers to her practice as “complementary” based on the benefits of adding AFT acupressure to your healthcare plan before, during or after the use of mainstram medicine. You can choose one of the following for AFT acupressure services, preferrably after consulting with your doctor:
- Only use AFT services as an alternate to other healthcare options.
- Overlap AFT services with other healthcare options.
Follow the link to see how the National Institutes of Health describes these terms: Complementary, Alternative, or Integrative Health: What’s In a Name?
What is Jin Shin Jyutsu® Physio-Philosophy?
Jin Shin Jyutsu is founded on basic ancient principles of Traditional Asian Medicine, which maintains that all pain, discomfort, and disease are the result of the body’s energy system being out of harmony, “stuck” or “blocked.” In following this philosophy of treating the body as a whole and resolving the problems at their core cellular level, Jin Shin Jyutsu restores overall harmony.
Jin Shin Jyutsu works with points on the body, called Safety Energy Locks (SELs), through simple touch. These holds are done with clients fully dressed and generally laying on a treatment table. As the practitioner works through specific energy pathways, this touch helps to open blockage in the flow, correcting disharmonies. Responses to Jin Shin Jyutsu may vary from person to person and can be reflected in any or all aspects of the mental, physical, or emotional functions of the individual. Because it has a gentle and cumulative effect, you will be taught simple ways to do self-help between sessions. More info: https://www.jsjinc.net/
What makes my work unique and gives you a customized experience?
This kind of work starts on the energetic or spirit body, making adjustments that then transform the physical body, meaning less physical discomforts, and allowing the mind to be more focused and sharp. This work is about getting “stuck states” to shift with gentle nudging for a long-lasting effect. I prefer to work with my clients over a few sessions, not just one session, to maximize the effects of this kind of bodywork which helps my clients get better results.
What happens after a client arrives and during the appointment?
This is a clothed modality with no need to disrobe but please take off your shoes, belt, watch, etc. You will be invited to get on the massage table and lay with your feet towards the windows, on your back with your face up. I will listen to your energetic pulses at your wrists. Typically, I place some warm salt stones on your body and play soft meditative music. I will quietly ‘work’ (and listen to your body with my fingers) for about 60 minutes. During this time, if you experience any discomfort please let me know, so that I may adjust.
I typically end the session with detailed work on the feet and return to listen to your pulses at the wrists. Then I take off the salt stones and put them away. This is a time for you to very gently begin moving and getting off the treatment table. Time to put on your shoes and perhaps get a drink of water.
We’ll debrief about your experience of the bodywork. I generally share my insights and perceptions on what happened. I will also share some self-care homework suggestions. For more information and visuals please watch: Arriving at a Session and Body Work Sessions
FAQs — Other Considerations
Why choose me for your healthcare journey?
My decades of training and experience give me the ability to help you let go of old or chronic pain patterns while freeing up your innate natural energy, allowing you to be your most magnificent productive self again. Whether in-person or Telehealth, each session is relaxing, meditative, and effective without you getting undressed, without topical oils, and free to immediately resume your day.
What does it mean to participate in your own healing process?
It means committing to the healing process, which includes attending regular sessions, adjusting your mindset towards your healing, and devoting a few minutes a day to simple self-care “homework” (which can be as simple as listening to an audio recording and following the directions).
What will it take to get the results I want?
Commitment to frequent (e.g., weekly) bodywork sessions and doing 20+ mins of daily homework.
What if I am a Christian and am not sure how medical astrology fits into my beliefs?
As a believer and follower of Christ, you know that in Genesis, God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit were present at the creation of the Universe and Jesus said that “through him all things were created and consist” later in the gospels. God created an amazingly powerful and expansive universe that works on certain laws. These laws do not require our understanding or even faith to operate. From the power of the Sun, the mathematically precise orbit of the earth, the gravitational pull of the moon, to even the most minute features of our own bodies, all of these work on the power of God. It is no secret that the celestial bodies have profound impacts on nature, but our bodies also are subject to the forces of the Universe since we all have the same source of origin and power. I use aspects of astrology to give me a road map of how to help your own body miraculously heal itself as it was so brilliantly designed to do.
What if I'm very science-based and not sure how that squares up with medical astrology?
Energy is the life force through all creation, and everything is energy. Quantum physics has interesting theories and insights on the topic of energy. Astrology can be described as the study of how the energy and vibrations of the stars, planets, etc may affect life on this planet. The medical part of astrology tends to highlight tendencies and relationships between the different parts of the body to those planets, sun, & moon.

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