Thank you for stopping by my table to learn a little bit about acupressure.

This form is to provide contact information for a follow up conversation, and/or to participate in the AFT giveaway for:

A meditative self-care set that includes an Attitudes Exercise Infographic and a Video Set of 6 Guided Meditative Self-care Recordings (tutorials) on a USB thumb drive.

✨  $80 retail value ✨

Note: This giveaway is for individuals who have not been a client of Cristina Eury, LMT JSJP.

Ancient Flow Therapy Follow up & Giveaway!


Thank you for completing this form! I appreciate your interest in learning more acupressure and supporting your healing journey.

Giveaway winner will be contacted within a week!

Please check out for more information on AFT acupressure and access to my social media channels on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube linked below.
